2021 Game: Infinite Recharge at Home
FIRST has announced the games for the 2021 FRC season! This year’s focus is on competitions that teams can do from home or at their own labs. Teams are given three different options for competitions: Infinite Recharge at Home, the Game Design Challenge, and the FIRST Innovation Challenge.
Infinite Recharge at Home: Teams are asked to complete 4 different challenges that are based off of the 2020 Infinite Recharge game. These challenges include running through timed tele-operated and autonomous courses as well as two shooting challenges that use the “power port” and “power cells” from the 2020 game. Teams will be scored compared to 29 other random teams in order to move on.
Game Design Challenge: In the game design challenge, teams are asked create possible FRC game. Teams are given a large amount of freedom in their designs, but if a team wants to get the “Concept Award” they will have to incorporate some sort of chain as a game element. Teams will be judged compared to a random selection of other teams.
FIRST Innovation Challenge: Teams are asked to identify a problem that is related to the Infinite Recharge theme, design a solution, build a business model, and give a pitch to other FRC teams for judged awards.
Cyber Blue is excited to compete in the new format of the competitions!