IndyRAGE is a unique event as it ties the FIRST competition together with an eventfocused on girls. Drive teams must be all female. Special speakers and events will allowparticipants to ask questions and get motivated about engineering and other STEMfields. Girls are encouraged to try new roles at this event.Pit crews are encouraged to be all-female. We recognize this as a significant challengeto teams, so this is not a requirement. Teams are encouraged to recruit new mentors forthis event!We encourage the whole team to come and support all of their team members.
*Update Oct 2024*
We will not be able to host Indy RAGE this year. We hope to bring this amazing event back in the future. Stay tuned!
IndyRAGE General Information:
October 21 at Perry Meridian High SchoolEntry: $125, includes lunch for team membersEvent: Limited to 24 Teams.Teams may register for 2 robots, and a multiple entry decision will be made by October13.
Event SCHEDULE is below.
Team Registration can be found HEREVolunteer Registration can be found HERE
Our goal is have a very high percentage of female volunteers in every role. For someroles, due to the experience required, this may not be possible. In those specific cases,we will have an experienced volunteer provide coaching and training for a femaleinterested in learning those roles. Follow the link above for volunteer opportunities.Our mission is to empower girls to try something new during this event.Contact – for questions.Come join us for an empowering weekend!
Friday 20 October
11 am Truck unload and field set up begins
6 pm Set Up ends (Event Volunteers only during this time)
6 pm Teams arrive
Connections, practice if possible
9 pm Close
Saturday 21 October
7 am Doors open
8:30 am Field open, connect, practice time
9:45 Opening ceremony
10am Matches begin
Noon Lunch and Discussions
1pm Matches resume
3 pm Alliance selection
3:30 pm Tournament (format TBD, depending on number of teams and time available)
5 pm Event end
The rules are simple:
You must have an all-girl drive team (including the coach).The boys can come but will be cheering you on from the stands.There will be judged awards.Our mission is to empower girls to try something new during this event.
Follow us on X (Twitter) @theIndyRAGE or contact us at for more information.Come join us for an empowering weekend!